Two Days, $95, and Endless Errors: My Painful Journey to Switch Carriers

From Flappy Dove to TF Math: Our Incredible Cambrian Code Off Journey

How Emotions are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain - Book Summary

When ChatGPT Goes Wrong - 3 Examples

Zebra Floss Poem

Moving From Markdown+Hugo to Notion+NextJS

Walkable City by Jeff Speck - Book Club Discussion Points

How to Build Responsive Newsletter Signup Box for Hugo

Weekly Digest 15 - HQ Audio Makes You Smarter, NFT Gambling, FLoC, and Soft Robots

Weekly Digest 14 - Neuralink MindPong, Muon g-2, and Foot Fetish

Weekly Digest 13 - NFTs, Facebook Hack, Microdosing, Inside and others

Compassion in a Deterministic World

Weekly Digest 12

Weekly Digest 11

BEF Learning & Progress Update 2

Borneo Education Foundation - Progress Update 1 - Mid February 2021

I'm starting a charity to help underprivileged children in Borneo, Indonesia to get quality education. Here's why and how you can help.

Best Way to Prepare and Consume Soylent

Introducing My New Weekly Digest Newsletter

Victor's 2020 Book Awards

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